
About Cerebral Palsy

What is Cerebral Palsy? Cerebral Palsy is a neuromuscular disability resulting from damage to the central nervous system. This damage can occur at any time, but usually takes place before, during, or shortly after birth. The primary effect of cerebral palsy is an inability to control motor function, particularly muscle control and coordination. These effects can range from mild to more severe. While cerebral palsy is not “curable”, various treatments, services and supports can help children and adults with cerebral palsy achieve their maximum potential for participation in home, school, work and community activities.

Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State and itsĀ Affiliates have always been recognized as experts in providing the most current information about cerebral palsy and its effects, as well as the highest quality services for people with cerebral palsy and other significant disabilities.

Developmental Disabilities The term developmental disabilities refers to a variety of conditions that become apparent during childhood and cause mental or physical limitations. These conditions include autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and other neurological impairments. Developmental disabilities have a variety of causes, which can occur before, during or after birth.

Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State (CP of NYS), a multi-service organization with 24 Affiliates, was founded in 1946 by families of children with cerebral palsy, and has become a nationally recognized leader in the care and treatment of people with many different types of disabilities. More than 18,000 employees provide support and services to over 100,000 people with disabilities, and their families, across the State.

CP of NYS conducts legislative activities that give our Affiliates, consumers and their families a voice in State Government and works with the State of New York to enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families. Our Affiliates provide a wide variety of programs, including:

  • Community living opportunities
  • Day Habilitation and Day Treatment programs
  • Early Intervention, Preschool and School Age Special Education
  • Family Support Services to help families care for a loved one with a disability
  • Health & Clinical Services
  • Therapy

CP of NYS offers technical assistance, sponsors statewide meetings, provides opportunities for information-sharing and networking among Affiliate Executive Directors and staff, and works to ensure that state public policy positively impacts the lives of children and adults with disabilities and their families.